We offer same day carpet cleaning in Orange County, CA.

Over the years we have realized the great need for same day carpet cleaning in Orange County, CA. Therefore, we have worked hard to make sure we have daily schedule ready for same day carpet cleaning needs. This time we were called for a carpet cleaning in Irvine, California. A customer has called us late morning and said the cat had just pooped in a few areas in the house. In addition, the customer also mentioned that she had tried to clean herself, but the stains did not come out.So, we told the customer we weill be there as soon as possible, however, we did emhpasize to the customer not to add any more product into the troubled areas. We can not stress enough how much damage over the counter products can do to your carpet.

Green Carpet Cleaning in Orange County, CA.

In addition to understanding carpet, stains and what comes between them, the products also count. That means that being a true expert with great experience is a big advantage. However, for us it is not enough. We truly care about your safety, and of course, our employees’ safety. Therefore, we use green carpet cleaning solutions to treat the heavy pet stains off your carpet. We offer green carpet cleaning in Orange County, CA, for over a decade. We have helped many of you throughout the years. That is how we have learned the importance of green and safe carpet cleaning products. Some of you have kids and some have pets playing around on the carpet. Therefore, it is important to make sure no residue is left behind when we are done cleaning. Also, it is important to have safe products used especially if you are around during the cleaning.For more information about our same day carpet cleaning in Orange County, CA, please contact Dr. Carpet Newport Beach.